Australia is a multicultural country, so its churches must change their ways to make room for their services to be attended by people from different cultures, ethnicities, and backgrounds. A Multicultural Church Sydney preaches to become empathetic, compassionate and caring. It gets you closer to the values of Jesus.
• Australia is a blend of European cultures and that of this country's Aborigines. Thus, the Churches have positive effects on this country's multicultural society. Hence, the Churches have positive impacts on this diverse society of this country.
• Since churches are for everyone, they also serve as meeting places for people coming from diverse cultures. Most of the priests of these churches learn to speak various languages so that in their mother-tongues, hence people can communicate easily with them. They can seek spiritual and social advice from these priests in their tongue.
• Initially, the Australian churches were operating on the lines of the Orthodox ones. But eventually, they amended their ways to accommodate diversity. Now every Multicultural Church Sydney functions to make all the people of other cultures comfortable in their churches.
• The individuals attending the same church services can acquire some common characteristics due to the similar preaching obtained from the churches, which will bring multiple cultures together gradually. Among these people of various cultures, the churches seek to establish brotherhood and often succeed to a great extent.
Multicultural Church Sydney aims to benefit all communities, as many of Australia's senior pastors often belong to these different cultures. Thus, we can touch people of every culture conveniently and help them connect to God better.

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