Tuesday, 23 February 2021

The Ultimate Guide to Bible-Reading by Bible-Based Church Sydney

We read the Bible, skimming and scrolling through it like a social media message, missing the details; too impatient and overwhelmed for proper study; tempted to read only the stuff with which agree or like. Bible-Based Church Sydney advises that you read the Bible with diligence. In this article, we will help with it.

The Bible is not a compilation of motivational aphorisms or independent stories. It is a single, coherent narrative, designed and completed and recorded by the omnipotent, omniscient God. And it is a story of grace, where at the centre is one, the Lord Jesus Christ. As per Bible-Based Church Sydney, there are three steps to have Bible in your mind and heart.

Step 1 Thorough Reading

Read the Bible from cover to cover. Start to familiarize yourself with the tale of redemption. When you’ve finished, go through it again. Alternatively, it’s also fruitful to slowly read and imbibe the Bible, mining all of the riches out of every verse.

Step 2 Have Patience

Remember, the fundamental concept that unites the whole Bible is the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. When reading those parts that do not instantly sound that way, do not get discouraged. In the first reading, you may not comprehend how every part of Bible relates to the whole, but sustain your focus on the gospel of Jesus Christ, and you will gradually start understanding God’s holy word.

Step 3 Take Help

Attend Bible reading, sit under the weekly preaching, or join a Bible study group to grasp better. Additionally, seek guidance from your pastor at Bible-Based Church Sydney about your inquiries and concerns. If you want some reference books, your pastors will give better recommendations than the internet.

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