The moral disciplines of the Christian life are not a get-rich-quick scheme. But, our society has accustomed us to expect instant results from them. Thus, after only a few days after attending Spirit-Filled Church Sydney, you do not see the desired outcome.
We want our prayers to be answered in our way, in our own time, to our advantage. We want Church Inner West Sydney services to be immediately life-changing and visibly uplifting activities. Rome was not constructed in a day, though. We want our prayers to be answered in our way, in our own time, to our advantage.
The analogy of a healthy body with a healthy spirit
Prayer, Bible reading, and church participation are analogous to nutrition and exercise. You do not get success right away from diet and exercise. One week of consuming healthy food and the gym training does not assure you big muscles, or a healthier heart. And then, day after day, week after week, year after year, you feel the gradual and consistent gains from diet and exercise. The discipline not only improves your life but also build the right behaviours to remain healthy.
God has decreed that our sanctification, i.e., coming closer to Jesus be a continuous process that requires discipline. Spirit-Filled Church Sydney helps you to gain that discipline.
Why should we pray?
Through prayer, we learn to reconcile and recalibrate ourselves with the will of God regularly. We praise him for his tender kindness, thank him for his grace, and ask him for his promise. Prayer transforms us as pilgrims in this world. Prayer at Spirit-Filled Church Sydney is the best way to learn to commune, love, and fellowship with the Father, through the Son, by the Spirit.
Why should we attend public worship?
The rewards of attending the Church Inner West Sydney public worship meeting are immense, but not immediate. We are sustained and nourished by Christ by the communion and worship of the local church. We gain growth by the grace of Heaven, when we hear the Word, read the Word, hum the Word, pray the Word, and see the Word in the Supper and Baptism of the Lord.
Just like you get nurtured by the food you ate, even though you can't recall what you ate many days back, God uses his people's public gatherings to reinforce, nurture, and lead us to Christ, even though we don't remember the thrilling or life-changing worship services.
We feel that the advantage is incalculably glorious as we look at Scripture and see what God himself teaches us about worship, Bible reading, and gathering for adoration. God instructs sinners along the way, guides the humble into what is truth, and shows the humble his way through all divine disciplines and means of grace. Because, all so that we can know and love His Son, Christ Jesus, forever and ever.
In its principal, dedication, and philosophy, Church Inner West Sydney is Evangelical. Building a leadership community is loyal, reliable, and inspiring. It is a temple full of prophetic gifts and an inspirational passion for the world's egalitarian Kingdom of God.

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