Sunday 24 May 2020

Why a church website needs a blog for marketing

Church Inner West should use every means available to reach people for Christ. Unfortunately, when it comes to their web presence it seems as if many churches are falling behind. It is our responsibility to be good stewards of these technological advances and to use them for the glory of God that God has allowed some amazing technology to enter our world.

Getting a church website without a blog is like building a house in the forest with no roads to it; it is doubtful that many people will come.

If you don't have a good blog, consistently post quality updates and information, then you're doing your members and your church a disservice. A good blog will help you grow your Church Inner West, develop your community and carry out your mission better. But none of these things can be done unless you create it.

How to Start a Church Blog

The culture of churches is connected to technology, whether we like this or agree with it. People read the Bible in sermons, and churches build websites where members can keep in contact with activities and a page that enables the church's belief to be exposed to future church people.
A blog is all that is missing. You don't have to be intimidating or difficult to start a blog. Here are a few tips for making the most of the blog of your Church Inner West.
These are the three big reasons why you should begin to do so now.
1. It will keep your members informed.
Blogging is an excellent way to keep you in the midst of the Church Inner West Sydney up-to - date and informed. It allows you to make announcements, remember, post information and address the most important items in your church.

You can also give your followers an alternative by email (with one of the many free blog plugins to receive updates or new entries). This can be a great way of meeting the leaders. Furthermore, the RSS feed of your blog can be an easy alternative to email updates.
2. It will promote culture and relationships.

A blog for Church Inner West Sydney provides the members with a forum for their own work and ideas to contribute and comment and provide input on those published previously, which stimulate discussions and interaction among the members. Such commentaries and updates to the forum are a way for Participants and visitors to meet new people, make new friends and learn from each other.

3. It will boost your website traffic.

As more and more people are looking for things you've written on your forum, they'll be going to your forum and eventually to your website, ensuring you'll meet more potential members. The more new material you add, the higher the chance that your website will appear in Web searches.

Make sure you have spent time thinking about your goals before committing to a blog on your church web site; what do you want to do with this communication channel? Who are you going to reach and what content is going to be most suitable for this? Answering these questions (write down your answers) will help to keep you focused within weeks and months of launching your blog for Church Inner West Sydney.

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