Sunday 24 May 2020

Sharing the story of a church with a professional church website

There was a time when blogs were considered the uber-geeky and ultra-tech-savvy realm. Yet Blogging has become as easy as tying your feet, thanks to sites like Hubpages and WordPress. As a result, this amazing social platform is now open to everyone wanting to make good use of it. If you, or your Church Sydney, are new to the whole concept of putting yourself out for the entire online world to see, then maybe starting with a blog is a good idea. Not only are blogs easy to use and maintain but they require virtually zero technical knowledge. Only write, and then publish.
Why should we need to have a blog? Is our Newsletter not good enough?
A newsletter does not mean anything wrong. In fact for all churches a well-published newsletter is a must. But we're not talking about reaching your existing congregation out there. We have got to think bigger than that.
The internet innovation helps us to meet people all over the world with nothing more than a mouse click. For Church Sydney this is a big opportunity. Apostle Paul had to fly around the world in his lifetime, only to reach a few cities and towns. We can touch more people from the comforts of our homes and workplaces than Paul could have expected.
A blog for Church Sydney is a perfect way of getting this done. You can help people find the answer to difficult questions in their lives by simply posting them regularly. You will inspire believers from around the world, and motivate them. You might even lead somebody to Heaven.

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