Jesus' devotion, thoughts, and deeds should be reflected in the Christian church. Its mission should be to glorify God, spread the gospel, train godly people, and make disciples of all nations. The Church Inner West Sydney should be a community of believers who live and teach Christ's saving words in whole or in part. People in the church should live the truth in the same way that Jesus did.
The church is not meant to be the structure or building of a governing body that acts in God's position and tells the congregation what is and is not true. The church's headquarters are not in Salt Lake City, Utah, Brooklyn, New York, Rome, Jerusalem, or any other city. Except for the fact that Jesus, who is in heaven, is the Head of the Church, the church does not have a central location. The Church Inner West Sydneyisn't a gathering, a structure, a series of meetings, or a collection of commitments. The church is the redeemed in Christ who make up the living Body of Christ. Celebrations, ceremonies, houses, robes, hymn books, organs, pianos, benches, pews, windows, and other outward trappings are simply those objects that offer a tangible impact on the invisible truth of salvation. These externals should not be treated like the church's substance. Many that have been redeemed in Christ make up the church's substance.
The Christian Church Inner West Sydneyis to be a light in the world, a light of justice, goodwill, knowledge, and honesty, but above all; it is to bring glory to God, prepare Christians for the Great Commission, and demonstrate godliness and holiness. The church is meant to be and do exactly that.

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