Why Bible is infallible and inerrant?
The bible is infallible because it was written different men from different professions and different times, and yet they all say the same thing. Bible is a God-dictated book. It was one author who guided all these men to write the truth. Bible is relevant today as it was when it was written; it has stood on the test of time. In a Bible based church Sydney and the Bible itself becomes front and centre leaving no room for a fallacy.
What does it mean by Bible Based Church?
So what does it mean to belong to a Bible based church Sydney? It means the church believes in the inerrancy of the Scriptures and that God is the Author. We must commit ourselves to a Christian Church Sydney that fully commits itself to the Bible-based teachings.
What are the signs of true Bible Church?
Find a church that cherishes and live by the living words of God. The signs of a true Bible Based Church Sydney are:-
1. It engages in the pure doctrine of the gospel.
2. It makes use of the administration of the sacraments as Christ instituted them.
3. It practices church discipline for correcting faults.
4. It governs itself according to the Word of God in its literal and inerrant sense.
5. It rejects anything contrary to the doctrine of the word.
6. It holds Jesus Christ as the head and the heart of the place.
7. It is a place where people strive to love and serve one another.
The Belief of a Bible based Church
Christian Church Sydney truly believes the Bible and holds itself accountable to the teachings of God's Word. This is in alignment with the vision to save lost people; pastor, train, and mobilize them. The Church also adheres to the doctrine of sola Scriptura - that not only the Bible that is the inerrant written word of the God, but also the only revelation of God that we have.
Christian Church Sydney adheres to Bible-based learning and holds true to the doctrine. We believe in:
1. God-predetermined Lordship of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world.
2. The focus of Christian foundational doctrines of salvation through the teachings of Christ.
3. The Redemption through the resurrection and ascension of Jesus.
4. The revival of the mind and soul by the Word of God, and the indwelling divinity of the Holy Spirit.
5. The return of Lord Christ, and the occurrence of Day of Judgment.
6. The thousand-year reign of Christ.
7. Eternal life for the disciples, believers, and devotees of God.
Thus, Bible Based Church Sydney is Evangelical. It is Faithful, consistent, and inspiring in developing a culture of leadership. It will be equipped with prophetic gifting and inspiring passion for the Kingdom of God advanced in all the earth.
Bible-based churches practice communion, the singing of songs and hymns, and teaching and preaching from the Bible with the purpose of life application. The church is committed to the great commission of the Lord Jesus Christ—the spreading of the gospel for the salvation of people’s souls.

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