We have lost ourselves in a world which is swinging between hope and despair. We need to find the light of the Spiritual Truth with Jesus to free ourselves and our beloved from all our sufferings. Especially in times like today, when Covid19 is causing a lot of negativity, we need someone to guide our spirit towards the ultimate truth. We may achieve a lot of worldly pleasures in our lives. But none of these pleasures lasts for long. For achieving real happiness, there is nothing like a Spirit-Filled Church Sydney.
Truth is the most joyful in the centre of which is Jesus. It will fill you with love, save you from sins and help you achieve peace. How to find it? We need to fill our spirits with love for God and his creations. That's what Christian Church Sydney does by the guiding principles of Spirit-Filled Church Sydney. Let's understand these principles to identify a Spirit-Filled Church in Sydney.
At the Heart is the truth
Gospel is the Good News about Jesus Christ. It will guide us towards peace, unity and righteousness. To find a Spirit-filled Church Sydney we must look for a Christian Church Sydney which is Evangelical in the most real sense. The Gospel should be its main focal point. The Good News about Jesus must be at the heart of a Spirit-Filled Church. Our mouths should spread the word of God so that we can gift the joy and ecstatic that we are feeling to everyone.
Ecstaticity and Collective Brotherhood
A Spirit-filled Church must fill us with Joy and Ecstatic energy. It should compel our legs to automatically walk towards the church for love and passion instead of mere superficially performing our duty. The love is what will guide us on the path of being a true Christian and fill us with love and compassion for all humans irrespective of the race, creed, or community they belong. We will find unity in the message of Jesus Christ by having a collective sense of brotherhood and the love of humankind as one family of God.
How can we achieve this goal through Christian Church Sydney? For that, let's begin with being authentic. We need to shed the entire artificial mask that we made for ourselves to hide in this world inside the church. We need to get real, identify God so that we can achieve the Supernatural healing from the Kingdom of God that is Heaven.
The Holy Spirit will shape you into conformity to Jesus to get yourself rid of the sins and achieve salvation in Jesus with God-centric righteousness. What will keep us on this path? The answer is to persist in prayer to God. A Spirit-Filled Church Sydney prays without ceasing.
Growth: Thrive for Excellence
If a church runs on the principles mentioned in this article, it is a Spirit-Filled Church in real sense. However, we are humans. Humans cannot be compared with Jesus and expected to be perfect. Therefore, a church with humans should thrive to grow with time towards excellence. That's the closest we can get to perfection.

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