Christians think helping people is their duty. A variety of initiatives can be done by individual churches to help unite local communities and to help homeless people and disadvantaged people. Christians believe that behaving in a decent manner is part of their duty. It ensures those around them are supported. In a society that is overwhelmingly unreligious Christians believe that the Church will be a stabilising power for the positive. Whatever the history, the Bible Based Church Sydney should help the people who are facing difficulties.
The Bible Based Church Sydney also tries to collaborate alongside other religious cultures, although the faith figures do have some impact over the fields in which they collaborate, to promote stability and reconciliation in the World. A building of churches can be significant, but it should teach bibles, preach the gospel of salvation, and worship Christ if it uses a house, a tent or a grand stadium.
• Trends and cultural decay may be held as the key culprits of why, over time, a number of churchgoers have started to decline.
• But there are other reasons, particularly among millennials, that have caused individuals to stop attending church.
• In this century’s economy and struggles, most people will just cuddle up and rebound from the past week's hassles and pressures.
• Guilt has reduced, and although these people do not dislike God in their hearts, they have become nominal Christians.
Reminds you of End Days
Going to the Bible Based Church Sydney will keep you on your toes, continuously reminding you of Christ’s second coming and thus urging you to stay put and keep your heart primed for the day of rapture.
The bottom line is, there are a million reasons why it may sound good to miss the Multicultural Church Sydney, but the result may be risky for your religion.
Stress to remain a good Church attendant, drive yourself to the brink with all the threats that can detract your attention from the cross, placing your eyes on the reward given to those who will keep the Sabbath day holy.
The role of the Multicultural Church Sydney today is mostly for social activities for individuals to meet up and special wedding funeral events. God does not exist in a church in such a manner that people can go there physically and pay Him a visit and tell their prayers, like we do to see someone and say hello. I have witnessed the hypocrisy of the churches as a former Evangelist, knowing that they are nothing more than a multi-level organisational marketing company that promotes redemption and milking people for money to their extravagant megacathes, worldly treasures and luxurious lifestyle for leaders to be viewed like pop stars.
The services of the Multicultural Church Sydney have been like rock music playing on the mind of the people to bring them into transmission, because it "feels good" to be in God's presence. It is mostly a display of people who can quote from the most exotic biblical books for their so-called "society" and "learning." But at the end of the day, there are several things to be learnt in the Church from what I have witnessed, so that I can then distinguish the genuine Christians and the pretenders who are there to serve humanity. This is how the faith of Christianity, after men took over it and injected their own agenda, got tainted and perverted.

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