Attending Church Inner West is a part of a true follower of Christ's kingdom. Therefore, it is discouraged that you plan other non-church related activities that will conflict with Sunday services and other programs related to the Church.
Circumstances may however be beyond our control. Sickness or a school graduation planned for a Sunday, for example, is something we don't have power over, and in situations like this God definitely knows the reason for the absence. But it is also recommended that you notify your Senior Pastor of your circumstances.
Here are some good excuses you should still go to Church Inner West Sydney:
1. This is a way to show our respect for Jesus.
This is a visible sign of our respect for Christ to go to Church Inner West. It is here that we gather to show our faith and confidence in God publicly, something that is expected of all Christians.
2. It morally sets us up
The Word of God builds up our spiritual strength by listening and understanding.
Every now and then we face problems that challenge our faith, so it is crucial that we are spiritually ready to meet these challenges and resolve them.
Therefore it is important that we take every opportunity to receive the preaching and teaching of the Word of God.
3. The Lord comes among those who gather together to worship Him
Because Christ resides in the heart of every Christian, when two or more people assemble in His name together for prayer, worship or praise, the presence of the Lord will be felt in a special way.
In a gathering dedicated to the Lord, Christ is able to touch people's hearts in such a way that at no other time will He be able to.
4. It establishes relationships with fellow Christians
Gathering in Church Inner West Sydney will also have a positive impact on Christian fellowship. The Bible said a balanced relationship with God includes both a communion with God Himself and a communion with other believers.
Loving God is simply not possible without loving our brothers and sisters. Unless we have other Christians love problem, then our relationship with God will become strained.
5. This is a way to manifest our obedience to God
To go to Church Inner West is likewise an act of obedience to Heaven. Clearly the Bible states that continued abstinence from church will lead to wilful sin.
6. This makes spiritual leadership accountable
As members of a church fellowship, within the limits of the Word of God we will accept and respect the authority of spiritual leaders.
7. Our prayers are getting stronger
The Bible says we are in special favour with God when we pray together with the brethren.
8. It is a way to honor the day of the Lord
Specifically the fourth commandment of God tells us to set aside the seventh day of the week as a holy day for the Lord.
In order to give his children opportunity for fellowship, instruction, service, communion and worship while spreading the good news of the faith to the earth, God hand-designed the Church Inner West Sydney to be a congregation of the body of believers. Friend, this is a wonderful gift from a very affectionate Father.

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