Sunday, 19 July 2020

Church is the best place to offer prayer

As Christians we believe that praising God is the whole purpose of our lives. As we do so, we are starting to understand more and more that all comes from God and feel even more grateful and praised. The Christian view of humanity is that human beings were created in order to know God and to live in a right relationship with the God of love and communion through Christian Church Sydney. In our lives the real meaning and intent is found in God's praise and gratitude and in our relationship with Christ.
God's worship and praise gives us scale, orientation and direction for the entire rest of our lives. Praise and appreciation open our words and then our hearts and minds – and in particular God's praise and worship.
In the first place, the Spirit Filled Church Sydney gathers for worship, to celebrate all that God is and all that God has done, to be drawn into the life of the Trinity: the Lord, the Son and the Holy Spirit. In psalms and hymns, and spiritual songs, we give God songs and words of praise.
Prayer is How We Communicate with God
Prayer lets us worship the Lord and thank him. It also enables us to offer our sins confession, which should lead to our genuine repentance. In addition, prayer gives us the ability to place our needs before Heaven. All those prayer things include connecting with our Maker. He is intimate, cares about us, and through prayer wants to connect with us. Church is that place where we come in close contact with God.
Pray Gives us strength over evil: Spirit Filled Church Sydney
Could physical force help us overcome moral barriers and challenges? No, "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, the authorities, the powers of this dark world, and the spiritual forces of evil in the realms of heaven". But even the physically weak within the spiritual realm can become strong in prayer. As such, we can invoke God to give us power over evil.
Prayer Gives us the right of serving God
By prayer in a Spirit Filled Church Sydney we achieve an experiential basis for our faith. We don't ignore the intellect or reasons for faith, but on an emotional level, prayer makes our experience of God real.
Through making an offering at worship, your church service is an opportunity for you to lead your church members to receive a tremendous amount of grace, to trust God with their money and possessions, and to engage in the work of God in your church.
But even the physically weak within the spiritual realm can become strong in prayer. As such, we can invoke God to give us power over evil.
Give a pass for your visitors
Make sure to remember your guests every week during your service, and make them not feel obligated to give. Taking a few moments to do this will give people attending your Christian Church Sydney great relief and make them feel welcome.

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